martes, 20 de marzo de 2012


You can find my Symbaloo in here. I will be adding more tiles, will be glad if any of you want to recommend me an interesting site to add.
Hope you like the tool and find it useful.


Podéis encontrar mi Symbaloo aquí. Iré añadiendo más baldosas. Agradezco recomendaciones sobre cualquier web interesante para añadir.
Espero que os guste la herramienta y que la encontréis útil.

AIEJI. Internationalizing Social Education

AIEJI is our international association. According to their website, the purposes of the association are to:
1. Unite social educators from all countries and promote quality practice that seeks to ensure the best for people served by the profession. 
2. Encourage the richness of diversity by promoting the working together of people of different backgrounds and cultures through the international membership of AIEJI. 
3. Contribute to the development of professional education and training to increase the competence of all social educators. 
4. Promote the organization of the social education profession and encourage networking among AIEJI members to increase international collaboration. 
5. Emphasize professional practice and educational methods based on the United Nation’s declarations of human and children’s rights.
In a world that is going international, where information knows no borders, where we all are influenced by similar stimulations, needs became more alike as do problems and possible solutions.
On 2013 AIEJI will hold an international congress in Luxembourg under the theme: Integration and social Inclusion.
The first international congress was held in Copenhagen in 2009 (further information here).

We will definitely follow up on everything related with the Congress next year, and, who knows, maybe we will be there.

Changing education paradigms

To understand social education we should first of all, understand the concepts that describe it: social + education.
In a changing world, where new challenges appear everyday, what is the role of education? Is it being played properly? or are we using an "old concept" in a "new society"?
Education, as everything else, needs to be reinvented and needs to shape itself to match our new way of living.
This video raises some problems of formal education. The world has became "social"/"shared". So, does education need to do the same? Is education responding properly to these new challenges?

This video is also interesting because of how they present the information: new tools for a new society.

lunes, 19 de marzo de 2012


As you can read to the right of this post, my name is Elena, I am from the wonder land of Extremadura .
I finished my degree in Social Education in 2007 and since then I have mostly been living abroad and working (voluntarily) in the international cooperation field.
After a year in València doing a master degree, the economic crisis and the lack of opportunities for young people in the peninsula forced me to leave again, so now from my wonderful and loved land I came to the inspiring land of Iceland.
Social educators do not exist everywhere, it is an unknown profession and there is very little information in english about it. For some time now, I have been gathering information and trying to find time to translate it. Now, this site will be the excuse to do so.
Through the posts on this site I will try, creating and/or translating information, to describe what a social educator is and what does he/she do.